

AGM  –  11th February 2024

Working Weekend – 20th/21st April 2024

Signing in times will be between 0830 and 0900
As there will be a higher number of members attending in one weekend, please try to be as early as possible.
Tasks will be allocated to groups on the first morning.
NCBC committee members will oversee each group.
Anyone wandering about, shying away or going ‘missing’ will be deemed not to have completed their working weekend.
Anyone not completing a working weekend this year will have their membership reviewed



The Date for the working weekend has changed to Saturday 1st April and Sunday 2nd April 2023.
Signing in times will be between 0830 and 0900
As there will be a higher number of members attending in one weekend, please try to be as early as possible.
Tasks will be allocated to groups on the first morning.
NCBC committee members will oversee each group.
Anyone wandering about, shying away or going ‘missing’ will be deemed not to have completed their working weekend.
Anyone not completing a working weekend this year will have their membership reviewed.

AGM Update and Important Information. (05.06.2022)

The proposed AGM on Saturday 25th June is cancelled. Due to the midsummer timing clashing with holidays etc, it is considered that there may be insufficient numbers to attain a quorum of members.

Therefore, at a meeting of the committee on Saturday 4th June, it was decided to revert to the usual AGM fixture of the second Sunday in February – that being Sunday 12th February 2023 at 1200 noon prompt in the NCBC clubhouse.

Any member who has anything to raise, either before or at the meeting, can do so in writing to the NCBC Committee and hand this in personally or post to the site address.

Important Information – 5th June 2022

Caravan owners must not purchase, make, or erect sheds, decking or boxes on site without prior permission from the NCBC Committee. Permission must be obtained after a request and subsequent meeting of officers of the committee. Agreements to proceed from single members of the committee is no longer adequate. Members not having proceeded through the necessary channels will be asked to remove the shed, decking or structure.

As a guideline for requests, sheds should be no larger than 7′ x 5′ and decking is at the absolute discretion of the committee. The committee’s decision is final.

Please be aware that caravan owners can only have guests staying in their caravans up to 3 times before the guests must become full members. Caravans are for the sole use of the caravan member and immediate family, and not to be let out, or used as a holiday facility. Please also remember that caravan owners are fully responsible for their guests and can have their membership removed for unsatisfactory behaviour by their guests.

NCBC 2022        and Covid Update

Due to the ongoing Covid pandemic, and the importance of the health and safety of our members, the NCBC Committee decided at a meeting on Saturday 8th January 2022 that it would be unsafe to hold the AGM in the clubhouse in February this year. However, it was proposed to hold an AGM on Saturday 25th June 2022 at 1100 am prompt. Details will be provided nearer the date.

In order to keep pace with inflation and the rising costs of energy, materials, and ongoing maintenance, the fees will be increasing by £50 for 2022. This increase will be added to boat fees, which will now become £250 per annum. Other fees will remain the same.

All fees MUST be paid by 31st March 2022 latest. Non payment by then will be deemed cessation of membership.

The new automated gate will become commissioned on the 31st March and anyone who has not paid their fees will be unable to enter site, as entry cards will only be issued on full payment of fees.

Methods for payment of fees is the same as last year. By bank transfer, or by cash/cheque to a member of the committee on site at weekends.

Due to the Covid situation there will be no working weekends again this year.

The NCBC Committee, together with some club members, have worked throughout the past 12 months to continue with the development of our club site. New work has included the installation of a new sewage system complete with submerged macerator and relative pipework. This has been a major task and has involved extensive civil groundworks. New state-of-the-art cameras have been installed to reinforce the security of our site. The club house has been updated and decorated. The new boat yard is in the process of being cleared and it is proposed to continue with the concreting of berths. The new automated entry gate will be connected up in the next couple of months. New equipment has and will be procured over the next few months. The grass on the site is kept maintained by some members and this is really appreciated. Security of the site is ensured by the regular attendance of certain members.

All the above enables NCBC to keep its costs as low as possible, by undertaking works in-house. This makes membership of NCBC affordable and the most competitive in the UK.

The NCBC Committee would like to thank everyone who contributes towards the club, and the social side,  and wishes all members a happy and safe boating and caravanning experience during 2022.


Fees for 2021 are now due for payment.

Due to current Covid restrictions, and the cancellation of the AGM and working weekends, we appreciate some difficulty in making cash payments.

However, stay-at-home restrictions will be lifted on Monday 29th March and members of the committee will be available at weekends after this date to accept payments. Members will be able to visit their caravans but not stay overnight.

Furthermore, it is planned that members will be able to stay overnight from Monday 12th April and our Treasurer and his team will be available at weekends to accept payments for the following two weeks.

Payments on site can be accepted by either cheque or cash.

Payments will only be accepted in full (no part payments)

Members wishing to pay by bank transfer can do so by contacting a member of the committee, who will provide the necessary NCBC bank details. When making bank transfers please complete the reference section by including your full name and house number e.g. John Smith (36), so that we can allocate this on the members list.

Any member not making any effort whatsoever to pay their fees may have their membership reviewed.

We look forward to seeing everyone again in due course.

NCBC Committee


email:  grahampaskin@gmail.com


visit site at weekends and ask for Phil Lax or a member of the committee.

NCBC MEMBERS   2020  Covid19

On behalf of the NCBC Committee, we would like to thank all members for their cooperation during this year, in complying with our requests to stay away from site during the various lockdowns and Tier restrictions.

The year 2020 has presented the membership with significant difficulties due to the pandemic, both at home and at our Hornsea site.

Fortunately, there were a number of weeks during the summer and early autumn where we could get to site and enjoy our caravans or boating (weather permitting).

Members of the committee have been regularly visiting site for security and maintenance purposes, and a great amount of work has been undertaken in the club house to make it much brighter and more comfortable for when we can eventually get back to normal.

The NCBC Committee has reviewed our forthcoming commitments regarding the AGM in 2021, and the working weekends to follow shortly after.

Due to the pandemic and the timeline of the roll-out of the vaccine it will not be possible to hold an AGM during February 2021.

It may be possible to hold a special AGM later in the year to cover outstanding matters and for circulation of our annual accounts for 2020.

In addition, the NCBC Committee has unanimously agreed that, due to these extraordinary circumstances, there will be no working weekends in 2021.

The NCBC Committee is also in discussions about how fees can be paid for 2021, and we will post a notice on our website in the New Year about the arrangements that will be made.

In the meantime, the NCBC Committee would like to wish all members:

A Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.